Friday, March 1, 2019


Welcome back, friends! So as we get closer to shooting our film opening, Carlos and I have to be 100% prepared which is why we decided to draw a storyboard. I wanted to do a storyboard right after my outline because I just had so many ideas flowing into my head that I didn't want to pass them up, so I literally just got a paper and started drawing what I had written. I recommend for you guys to check out my last post about my outline before looking at my drawings, that way you guys have a better picture of how everything is going to go down. The scenes down below are the direction my imagination has taken me so far but don't worry, I’m not going to spoil the whole opening scene for you guys, I just want to give you an inside scoop. I also want to point that this is all for planning purposes and just so we have an idea of what to film when we meet up, so don't get focused if in our actual film opening, the scenes are in a different order or if they aren't there at all. Alright, enough of me, here’s what we've come up with… oh and also please excuse my drawings!

To take a better look, I've attached the PDFs down below!


Once again, please comment if you have any pointers or suggestions of scenes that should be added or taken out!! I'm counting on you guys to be real with me because our film opening needs to be liveee!!!!

P.S. For my older fans, live is a slang word teenagers use to describe something amazing or cool.

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